reclaimed, reused, repurposed, UPCYCLED fabrics
scampoli e tessuti recuperati, rigenerati e riproposti
creaciones a partir de retales y telas reutilizadas
irene gómez

La Gagiandra è in Etsy!

La manifattura della Gagiandra è in Etsy:

*La Manifattura della Gagiandra is the upcycling atelier of La Gagiandra, a social cooperative based in Venice, Italy.
Our cooperative has been founded in April 2012. It's made up of two working members and one volunteer. The Manifattura employs also a person from the city shelter, since we collaborate with the Casa dell'Ospitalità Foundation, the organization that runs two shelters for homeless people in Venice and Mestre (Venice dry land).
You can visit us here:
(both sites just in italian)

The Manifattura produces bags, other accessories and housewares from reclaimed and repurposed clothes and fabrics.
And we've just opened a shop in Etsy:

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

Nice job, regards

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irene gómez